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Greetings everyone. If you live near a tree that’s been recently removed, you may wonder; “Why’d they do that? And why wasn’t I consulted? Furthermore, can I get another one?” The answers are, it depends, we don’t really have to, and yes, you can

Workers from Amazola Tree Service trim branches at Moravian Meadows on May 11, 2023

get another one.

Many times, we get requests from co-owners, in the form of work orders, to remove trees, shrubs, etc., that are dead or dying, diseased, or otherwise deemed unnecessary or unwanted. Other times, we notice these things on our own as we walk the property. Part of our duties as members of your working board of directors, is to make sure our community looks good. As stewards of the property, we have the right to remove trees, shrubbery, etc. that are in decline.

One co-owner recently got together with their next-door neighbor and decided to remove a tree just to let in more light to their units. One of the co-owners then replaced the removed tree with something that was much prettier. Of course, they got approval to do all of this. Another co-owner decided they would pay to replace the greenery that had to be removed from the driveway between their unit and the one next door. Again, the co-owners worked together to decide what to replace the removed greenery with and got approval from the board.

Finally, a couple of years ago we had tree specialists visit from the Michigan State University. They inspected our trees and sadly found that our maples are afflicted with a disease called verticillium wilt. Better known as “maple wilt” it is a soil-borne fungus that primarily targets maples and wood ornamental trees. There is no cure for this disease and doing deep root feeding only hastens the death of the tree. It saddens me to think that we will have to remove these trees in the near future. But any new trees that have already been planted or are slated for planting, will be resistant to this disease.

Nobody loves beautiful trees more than the members of your board of directors. When we have a tree removed, we do it with the intent of making things better. We are doing our best to keep Moravian Meadows green and a beautiful place to live. Want a new new tree? So do we. Please drop off your work order with your request at the gatehouse. Printed work orders are located in the box on the porch of the gatehouse, and you should return them in the box where you place your HOA dues. You can also print your own work order by going to the home page of the Web site, scrolling to the bottom of the page and downloading the PDF form. Your new tree may not come the same year we remove it (budget issues) but it’ll come. It might be smaller than the one we took down. But we know it will grow into a beautiful specimen.

See you in the next post . . .


Ed Mroz

President, Moravian Meadows Homeowners Association

Board Members Jim Dishman and Michelle Parnell contributed to this article.

Photo credits: Jim Dishman

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Greetings everyone. One of the worst parts of our job as board members is issuing by-laws violations and fines. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of one of those – and most of you haven’t - it’s likely you didn’t like it either. So, in the interest of everyone, we’d like to help you avoid receiving any fines or violations for as long as you choose to live at Moravian Meadows.

It’s simple, when in doubt, consult your copy of the condominium by-laws. Every co-owner in every unit should have received a copy of the condominium by-laws. If you didn’t, or you need a replacement, please contact the board immediately at 586-493-0591 and leave a message. You may also put in a work order and a copy will be delivered to you. Please note that we do charge for copying and collating copies of the by-laws. You can avoid copying costs by downloading a copy of the PDF version located at the bottom of the home page on the Web site.

Our condominium by-laws are a legally binding contract, enforceable in a court of law, which you agreed to when you purchased your property. If you are unsure of the intent contained in the language of any by-law you are consulting, your board will be more than happy to assist you with deciphering it. If we can’t figure it out, highly unlikely, we will consult the condo association’s attorneys.

Most of the violations we issue are about dogs, parking and outdoor decorations. Rules concerning all three of these situations can be found in the by-laws in Article VI, Sections 5, 8 and 13, respectively.

Many people have no idea that they are in violation of a by-law, and when confronted with it, make the appropriate and permanent changes. If you’re trying to decide whether to hang that bird feeder, buy that bird bath, - both no-no’s by the way – or display more than the approved number of pots, please consult our condominium by-laws first. And by all means, if you want to attach something to the building, it MUST be approved. Submit your work order, with photos of what you want to attach. We would hate for you to spend a ton of money on something that has to be dismantled.

Finally, please do not assume that if YOU see someone who is violating the by-laws that WE have seen it too. We are a volunteer board and although we do walk and drive the property regularly, we are not omnipresent. That’s where you come in. It is your right as a co-owner to assist the board in protecting your property value. One of the main reasons people move to a community with a homeowners’ association is because it has rules and regulations designed to uphold property values. If you see a violation, and you’d like the board to address it, let us know. We do not, as a courtesy, name anyone who makes us aware of by-laws violations.

We all do our best to the follow the condominium by-laws. When a resident refuses to follow the by-laws and ignores violation notices and/or fines it makes it hard for all of us. Please know that this board is obligated to take action against consistent violations, up to and including legal action. We will not allow one or two “bad apples” to spoil it for everyone.

See you in the next post . . .


Ed Mroz

President, Moravian Meadows Homeowners Association

Board member Michelle Parnell contributed to this article.

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Greetings everyone. My name is Ed Mroz and I’m the president of Moravian Meadows Condominium Association. I serve a wonderful community of 240 homeowners living in a ranch style community spread over 43 beautiful acres. I, along with the other members of your board, are devoted to making community living easy and enjoyable for us all.

I’m supported by six delightfully, energetic, and smart individuals. Gerard Kulka is your vice president, Dolores Hayes is your treasurer, Jarret Hill is your secretary, and Jim Dishman, Michelle Parnell and Tom Van Hollenbeck round out the remaining members of your board of directors. We are all volunteers, elected by you, and one or our main goals is to keep Moravian Meadows a privately-managed property.

Our community is special. We consider our neighbors as part of our extended family and we hope you feel the same way about us. Like any family, we have our little “dust ups” from time to time but rarely hold grudges, and we enjoy interacting with you on a regular basis. Indeed, the neighborhood wouldn’t be the same without each and every one of you. Together we make up this unique community and we couldn’t ask for a more diverse, spirited, vibrant and interesting group of people. We appreciate the opportunity to know you all.

In this blog, which is a new experience for me and many of the other board members, we will bring you detailed information, advice, tips, announcements and more. Sometimes you will hear from me, other times what you read here will be the result of a collaborative effort. We’ll always name the contributors.

We hope you’ll visit here often to see what’s new and we’ll try to post new content as frequently as possible. But of course, that will depend on whether we have anything of importance to say and whether our busy communications department has time to crank out something we think is urgent for you to know.

Please share what you see and read here. Not everyone has access to, or cares to use the Internet. But everybody likes to be in the know. So, feel free to spread the word.

Finally, please know that we will continue to keep our printed newsletter and you will receive it on a regular basis. But for “snap” information, there’s no better place to check in than this web site, and this blog, to find out what’s happening in our community as soon as it occurs.

See you in the next post . . .


Ed Mroz

President, Moravian Meadows Homeowners Association

Board member Michelle Parnell contributed to this article.

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PH 586-493-0591

Fax 586-493-0591

Moravian Meadows Association 20301 Majestic Blvd

Charter Twp of Clinton, MI 48036


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