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This year, according to Lawn Care companies it has been a record year for grubs.

With the mild winter and the wet spring, it allowed the grubs to flourish. Despite treating our lawns with a pre-emergent early in the spring, areas of our lawns are infested with those grass eating grubs.

To make matters worse, skunks love grubs and are tearing up the grass to get at them.

Insecticides to kill grubs are limited and all are not cheap.

To have a Lawn Care company treat an expanse of grass the size of Moravian Meadows would run several thousands of dollars. However, it has to be done to save our lawns from total destruction.

Once again, in order to save the community thousands of dollars, your Board Members will be spraying the lawn with the proper chemical to kill the grubs.

It's a lot of work and is a time-consuming project, but we will do what we have to do to keep the place we call home looking beautiful.

Ed Mroz

President MMC

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Maybe you have seen these guys spraying our lawns for weeds? Maybe you have seen them fixing sprinklers? Maybe you have seen them changing security light bulbs? Maybe you have seen them cleaning out a gutter? Maybe you have seen them working and doing so many other things for the betterment of our community, the list goes on with so much they do for us.

Maybe some of you thought they are our maintenance crew doing their job? If that's what you thought, you are wrong!

Gerard Kulka, Jim Dishman and Rick Doyle are members of our board of directors. They do all of these things to make our community a great place to live.

They do all of this and never ask for a penny nor are they compensated for all of their work they do in any way!

I wish I could say this for some past board of directors, but I cannot.

Maybe a thank you, when you see them would be compensation enough for all they do and the thousands of dollars they have saved this community over the years.

See you in the next post....


Ed Mroz

President, Moravian Meadows Homeowners Association

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With the rain and summer heat it has been the perfect combination for weeds to grown in our lawns. First it was dandelions, and some areas looked like a "sea of yellow." Two extra applications of a herbicide designed to kill them did the job!

Now, we are dealing with a weed called Nutsedge, you might think it is crabgrass but it is actually a sedge. We will be spraying to kill it in the very near future. Using a herbicide called Sledgehammer has proven to be very effective without harming the other grass in the lawns. Despite our yearly contract that calls for 6 weed and feed treatments along with a pre-emergent spraying for "real" crabgrass the battle continues to make our lawns look good.

We will keep at it!

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PH 586-493-0591

Fax 586-493-0591

Moravian Meadows Association 20301 Majestic Blvd

Charter Twp of Clinton, MI 48036



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