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The tragic California fires are a stark reminder on how important insurance is to cover our loss. As a condo owner here in Moravian Meadows, you are required to have a HO6 policy. This is a good time to check with your insurance agent to make sure you have adequate coverge. With rising property values, be sure your policy will cover replacement cost.

Let's all be safe than sorry, one never knows when a disaster can strike.

Say a little prayer for the ones who lost everything in the California fires.

Ed Mroz

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Macomb County has a program for residents 60 and over that can help.

It's a free service, but a small donation will be appreciated if you can afford to give.

A call to Macomb Health and Community Services @ 586-469-6999 and

ask for the Handy Helpers Program to get the ball rolling.

Here are some of the services that the Handy Helpers can provide:

Replacing light bulbs

Door and window locks

Faucet washers or faucets

Installing screens and storms

Weather stripping around doors

Window Shades and curtain rods

Caulking windows

Cleaning appliances

Carpet and rugs

Scrubbing floors

Washing walls

Cleaning interior windows

Even general Pest control (does not include bed bugs)

Rodents (rats and mice)

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The Board has received numerous complaints regarding speeding and unsafe driving throughout our neighborhood. There is a reason that the speed limit is 15 miles per hour.

This is to remind everyone that our residents use our streets to walk their dogs, to bicycle and for general pedestrian use.

For the safety of our residents, we are asking you to drive safely and adhere to our speed limit.

We take this matter seriously and sincerely hope you will too.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and residents of Moravian Meadows

Ed Mroz

President Moravian Meadows Condominiums

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PH 586-493-0591

Fax 586-493-0591

Moravian Meadows Association 20301 Majestic Blvd

Charter Twp of Clinton, MI 48036



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